How To Add Your Spouse (and Their Genealogy) to Your FamilySearch Account
If you've attempted to import your genealogy from FamilySearch but your spouse's genealogy didn't get pulled in, chances are you'll need to link to your spouse's genealogy in FamilySearch first, then try re-importing. Here's how to do that.
1. Go to and log in. Then click on Family Tree at the top of the screen, then Tree at the left-hand side of the screen, and then choose Landscape from the drop-down menu indicated. Your view should look something like this. Click "Add Husband" (or "Add Wife" if you're the husband).

2. This will pop up the "Add Spouse" window. Fill our your spouse's information and click "Next". Note that since your spouse is living, anything you add for them here is merely a placeholder card and will not be visible to anyone outside of your FamilySearch account.

3. After clicking "Next," FamilySearch will show you a pop-up asking you to confirm that the information you have entered is correct. If it is, click "Create Person".

4. This will take you back to your tree view, where you can see you now have a spouse. Repeat this same process for all living ancestors of your spouse. Most likely you'll need to add at least their parents, and possibly their grandparents). To add your spouse's parents, simply click the "Add Husband" and then "Add Wife" cells that have appeared, and fill out their information as before. Once you've added your spouse's parents, similar "Add Husband and "Add Wife" options will appear for their grandparents and so on.

5. When you're ready to add a deceased ancestor--let's say your spouse's father is deceased--after clicking "Add Husband", toggle over from "By Name" at the top of the pop-up to "By ID Number". Then use your spouse's FamilySearch account, find the 7 alphanumeric ID Number associated with that ancestor. Enter it, and click "Next".

6. This will pull up a window with possible matches found in the FamilySearch system. Select the one you believe to be correct by clicking "Add Match".

7. As soon as you've matched a deceased ancestor, FamilySearch will automatically pull in all linked ancestors of that deceased ancestor, completing your chart for that line. Repeat with any remaining lines until you've reached the first deceased ancestor in that line and matched them with a FamilySearch record.

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